Need to improve named performance

Alan Clegg alan at
Sat Nov 10 23:46:06 UTC 2012

On Nov 10, 2012, at 1:39 PM, Ed LaFrance <edl at> wrote:

> When I check the router above this server I'll see 200 - 500 legitimate connections to this server at any given time.

Having sent my snarky "update" e-mail, I now ask... you say later in the mail that you are doing about 20 queries per second (which I agree should be handled by any hardware with more oomph than a Z-80).

I'm curious as to what these "200-500 legitimate connections" are.  Are they TCP?  If so, are you seeing lots of TCP connections hanging around?  Do you have some firewall in the midst of this that might be messing around with TCP connections?

If you do a "rndc recursing", what do you get?

If you are only doing 20-30 transactions per second, the stats on the UDP counts would have taken a long time to get there... something doesn't add up.

Alan Clegg | +1-919-355-8851 | alan at

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