Is not recommended?

Kevin Darcy kcd at
Tue Sep 28 23:05:18 UTC 2010

On 9/27/2010 8:48 PM, donovan jeffrey j wrote:
> I run a number of internal clients on 10 address space. what i did was break up each Zone into Class B's 10.1.x.x , 10.2.x.x then my forward and reverse files into class C's. Each record 10.1.1.x . 10.1.2.x, 10.1.3.x, . then scale ass needed. providing the means to add forward and reverse to any address within that address space.
Ugh, pet peeve. 10/8 is, if one uses obsolete classful terminology 
instead of CIDR, a "Class A", which covers the whole range. Nothing 
sliced out of 10/8 can be a "Class B" or a "Class C". Correct 
terminology for what you described would be /16 or /24, respectively. In 
the old scheme, "Class B"s start(ed) at 128.*.*.* and "Class C"s 
start(ed) at 192.*.*.*. Google "classful" if you don't believe me.

                 - Kevin

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