BIND 9.7.1 + DLZ + DNSSEC: Possible?

Kevin Mai kma at
Tue Sep 14 19:15:47 UTC 2010


My name is Kevin and I'm working with the Argentina ccTLD team to upgrade our local NS systems and our goal is to load the .ar, and subsequent zones using DLZ. Our other task was to deploy DNSSEC here and start signing our TLDs, but according to the e-mails I've read (dated 2006 mostly) it's not very clear if it's already been possible (it's been 4 years since those e-mails were written). 

For that reason, I'd need to know if anyone has deployed DNSSEC and signed zones and then stored those RRSIG, NSEC and DNSKEY records on a MySQL backend using DLZ as a way to get those entries dinamically. 

I'd really appreciate your replies :) 

Many thanks and have a great afternoon! 

Best Regards, 

Kevin Mai 
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