IPv6 Records on an IPv4 Network

Phil Mayers p.mayers at imperial.ac.uk
Thu Jul 22 15:33:54 UTC 2010

On 22/07/10 12:19, Rock July wrote:
> Windows Vista and 7 clients will query both type A and AAAA query even

The OS might make the query, but the application will (should) be using 
getaddrinfo, and this will return the IPv4 addresses first, so it 
doesn't matter.

> only IPv4 interface is enabled. If I put the option "filter-aaaa-on-v4
> {yes;};", will my DNS reject the AAAA queries?

This option breaks DNSSEC.

If the clients doesn't have an IPv6 address, it shouldn't use the AAAA 
(even if it does do the lookup). If the client does has IPv6, you need 
to investigate way (e.g. Teredo and other tunneling mechanisms)

Don't mess with the DNS - fix the underlying problem.

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