[SPAM] Re:named’s “/dev/random" error on AIX

Fuhua Zhang harry12 at 21cn.com
Fri Jan 9 03:47:50 UTC 2009

My AIX5.3 systerm does have a /dev/random and /dev/urandom:

dns8:/#cd /dev
dns8:/dev#ls -l *rand*
crw-r--r--    1 root     system       39,  0 Dec 16 13:42 random
crw-r--r--    1 root     system       39,  1 Dec 16 13:42 urandom


tzdns8:/#odmget CuDvDr | grep -p random
        resource = "ddins"
        value1 = "random"
        value2 = "39"
        value3 = 

the error messages still came out as follows:

dns8:#./named -g -d 99
09-Jan-2009 11:41:46.954 set maximum stack size to 2147483646: You must use the keyboard to create entropy, since your system is lacking
 /dev/random (or equivalent)

09-Jan-2009 11:41:46.954 set maximum data size to 2147483647: You must use the keyboard to create entropy, since your system is lacking
 /dev/random (or equivalent)

09-Jan-2009 11:41:46.954 set maximum core size to 2147483647: You must use the keyboard to create entropy, since your system is lacking
 /dev/random (or equivalent)

09-Jan-2009 11:41:46.954 set maximum open files to -1: You must use the keyboard to create entropy, since your system is lacking
 /dev/random (or equivalent)


09-Jan-2009 11:41:47.133 load_configuration: You must use the keyboard to create entropy, since your system is lacking
 /dev/random (or equivalent)

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