bind-9.4.2 failed install

Alan Clegg Alan_Clegg at
Tue Mar 4 13:20:44 UTC 2008

Alan Clegg wrote:
>> Configure does not give errors, nor does make. Does not bind create  
>> these files when compiled?
>  From the BIND FAQ:
> Q: 	Isn't "make install" supposed to generate a default named.conf?
> A: 	Short Answer: No.
> Long Answer: There really isn't a default configuration which fits any 
> site perfectly. There are lots of decisions that need to be made and 
> there is no consensus on what the defaults should be. For example 
> FreeBSD uses /etc/namedb as the location where the configuration files 
> for named are stored. Others use /var/named.

[And, of course, this answer extends to the related "system startup" files].

Alan Clegg
ISC Training and Support
+1-650-423-1357 (o) +1-919-271-8851 (m)

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