IP Address Management Tool (IPAM) for DNS and DHCP

Mark Pagulayan m.pagulayan at auckland.ac.nz
Mon Mar 3 20:48:35 UTC 2008

Hi Guys, 

We have a home grown tool that we use to manage our IPAM for DNS, DHCP
and other bits and pieces in the university. Unfortunately, the tool
does not support IPv6 IPAM in which the university is moving forward
to. We have thought of updating the tool but base on cost, time,
efficiency, support and maintenance; it would best to find a tool on the
market that would meet our requirements. 


I am posting on this mailing list to ask for suggestions or referrals on
an IPAM Tool that would do meet the following requirements:

1. DHCP and DNS IPv4 Compliance 

2. DHCP and DNS IPv6 compliance. 

	a.	Able to manage stateless addresses. 
	b.	Able to manage stateful addresses. 

3.	API 
4.	Support 



Your help would be mostly appreciated. 



Best regards, 




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