forwarding options?

Matus UHLAR - fantomas uhlar at
Fri Jan 25 15:29:45 UTC 2008


Is it possible to tune forwarding options a bit? I'm subscribed  in this
list just for a while, maybe this was discussed already, but I haven't find
any record about that (links, hints welcome)

I have one local rbldns server whicvh mirrors some DNS zones and I have
configured BIND to forward requests for the zones to that server first.
However when the server crashes or is rebooted, forwarding slows responses
down too much. I would like to have an option here to set maximum timeout when forwarding
to server, e.g. 3 seconds, which should be enough for deciding that the
server is not alive.

Another option that comes to my mind is to working with farm of DNS caches.
Forwarding requests to them first could spare them from sending too many
requests to the world and imho even speed up DNS resolving.
That requires ability to send requests with RD bit set off not to create any
loop. And also it would require the feature above not to slow down if one of
caches is down.

Combination of those two above would be also nice. That would require
two-level forwarding - local rbldns mirror(s) first, neighbour caches after,
and standard resolving then. 

Any opinions? Should I just post enhancement requests?

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar at ;
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