Round robin DNS and only one record?

Barry Margolin barmar at
Tue Dec 9 02:39:37 UTC 2008

In article <ghkk8n$1jn6$1 at>,
 "Dustin Lovell" <dlovell at> wrote:

> Certain browsers hitting our web application don't like having two A-records 
> handed to them (I'm still in the process of figuring out why), and much 
> prefer the first example above.

Really?  So these browsers can't access, which has four A 

I don't think BIND can be forced to return only one A record at a time 
without code changes.  Why don't you replace your aging load balancer 
with a new load balancer?

Barry Margolin, barmar at
Arlington, MA
*** PLEASE don't copy me on replies, I'll read them in the group ***

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