could not start named.conf

Chris Buxton cbuxton at
Mon Aug 13 17:19:18 UTC 2007

On Aug 13, 2007, at 8:29 AM, Adriatik Allamani wrote:
>> Adriatik Allamani napsal(a):
>>> Aug 13 12:02:54 ns1 named[4449]: couldn't open pid file
>>> '/var/run/named/': Permission denied
> Permission for /var/run/named is:
> drwxrwx---  2 named   named   4096 Jul 24 18:51 named
> Inside the /var/run/named directory has no, it is empty I
> think??
> when I get in the folder, it has nothing. And ls -l command shows:
> total 0

Are you starting named manually, or using the init script?

Based on your BIND version and the location of the PID file, I'm  
going to guess you're using RHEL 4, CentOS 4, or some equivalent  
version of Fedora or other RH-derived OS. In which case, you should  
be using the following to start the service:

service named start

If you choose to start it manually, make sure that you put "-u named"  
on the command line to change the process' user account to "named".  
Otherwise, you will get the error message above - the root user  
(after dropping superuser privileges) is unable to write to that  

Chris Buxton
Men & Mice

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