
broadcast wael.shahin at
Wed Sep 27 18:11:44 UTC 2006


Kirk wrote:
> Forgive me if this is not true, but it seems that you are
> mis-understanding the point being made by most everyone that has
> kindly replied to your questions.
> The problem you are experiencing is *most* likely *not* a
> mis-configuration on your part, but on the DNS administrators
> responsible for the domains which are failing.

Well, Thank you Kirk for the enlightment, I know exactly what Mark and
others were talking about and I am sure that there is a problem with
the remote DNS configuration.
what am trying to do is find a work around or something that will keep
our customers satisfied. when other providers don't face such problems
and am facing them then the customers will so easly just move.
reporting remote domains about mis-configuration of their records is an
important thing and am actually doing it. but also losing customers is
something that i should avoid.
You guys all were very helpful. but forgive my stubbornness or whatever
you would call it when i see the very same mis-configured websites
working with other DNS servers not mine, then they may have some kind
of a work around or they are not using the same software.

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