diff. between 9.3.2 and 9.2.6

Jaap Akkerhuis jaap at NLnetLabs.nl
Fri Jul 28 19:33:22 UTC 2006

    Since your configuration worked with 9.2.6, the only thing I know of  
    that would cause 9.3.2 to fail, given the exact same command line  
    parameters as you used with 9.2.6, is that 9.3 re-implements syntax  
    checking. So if you, for example, used an underscore in any of your  
    zones, or any other invalid character, BIND 9.2 wouldn't mind, but  
    9.3 would.
    To easily test this, add the following substatement to your options  
    	check-names master warn;
    Then see if version 9.3.2 will start.

It will be much better to run named-checkzone and named-checkconfig
and find what the problem is with the zonefile and/or configuration


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