How do I get named to not log events from certain IPs.

aarontheyoung at aarontheyoung at
Thu Jul 27 18:17:27 UTC 2006


I have been successful running named on debian for quite some time and
have recently adjusted my config to only respond for the domains we are
authoritative for.  Now, I am
getting TONS of hits to our name servers EVEN THOUGH they continue to
be denied the same dumb boneheads keep trying to update and query our
name server for hosts that we don't manage.

My hourly log reports are now pretty tough to go through with this
extra "denied" entries all over the place.  Is there a way to configure
named to NOT log activity from certain IP addresses?  I have tried to
contact the ISPs who manage their IP ranges, but none of them are
responsive to my requests to help.

Thanks in advance,


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