Reverse Zones - Subnets?

Matt mhoppes at
Fri Jul 7 19:09:47 UTC 2006

I *am* the ISP.  We just recently migrated from Windows DNS to Bind.
We were given a class /29 to reverse, and I'm trying to figure out the
syntax in the named.conf file and in the zone record.  So I already
have an upstream pointing the records at us for reversal.. I just need
to make sure I've got the actual reveral correct, but only for a /29
not the whole /24.

On 7/7/06, Nicolas Riendeau <knightr at> wrote:
> Hi!
> Matt wrote:
> > Hi,
> > How do I do a reversal for only part of a subnet?  ie ?
> >  How do I just do a reversal for that part, instead of the whole
> > block?
> >
> I do hope this address range is only used as an example and that you don't really
> want to do that for that address range... (-;
> You should used RFC 2317, "Classless IN-ADDR.ARPA delegation" which is available at
> for anything smaller than a /24.
> Essentially what you do is that in the zone which includes the /24 you want to have
> delegated to another server you make CNAMEs instead of PTRs and these CNAMEs point to
> PTR in another zone.
> There is a convention for creating these zones names in the RFC but some people use
> others, please check with your ISP if your ISP has control over that zone... If the
> zone name is built using the RFC 2317 convention or one similar, you must also add NS
> records so that it knows where the zone which contains the PTRs actually is (you
> delegate that zone to that server)...
> In the new zone, hosted on the DNS which is actually going to resolve the reverse DNS
> for that range of addresses you create the actual PTR records..
> Good luck (if your unlucky as I was when I had to get this done by my employer's ISP
> and hosting company, you're going to need it***) and have a nice day!
> Nick
> *** I actually had to tell them how to do it and find the info on how you do it with
> a microsoft dns (hosting company use that...).

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