Problems with BIND from RHN

Jason Mitchell jm at
Mon Apr 3 23:39:27 UTC 2006

Hi Ronni,

Jason Vas Dias (RH BIND package maintainer) posted a message to the list 
a while back with a URL for BIND 9.3.2 rpm's for RHEL.

They can be found at

I've installed them on several RHEL4 boxes and haven't had any issues 
what so ever, BIND worked "out of the box".



Ronni Jensen wrote:

>I have some RedHat Enterprise ES v4 running and have installed the
>following BIND package from RHN: bind-9.2.4-2.x86_64.rpm
>The package contains these files:
>..and all I have in /etc/named.conf is:
>// Default named.conf generated by install of bind-9.2.4-2
>options {
>        directory "/var/named";
>        dump-file "/var/named/data/cache_dump.db";
>        statistics-file "/var/named/data/named_stats.txt";
>include "/etc/rndc.key";
>In /var/named there is just an empty data/ and slaves/ dir...
>Howcome there isn't generated a default named.conf containing the
>basics, and options file and db.root etc? When I APT-installed BIND on
>e.g. a Debian, they were there... 
>Best regards,

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