Notify / Transfer Delays

Unlisted unlisted at
Thu May 12 21:35:01 UTC 2005

> No. It's live after 15 seconds.

Well, live from the end user standpoint.  The TTL has to expire before
they get the new record.  So, a 15 second delay before the server
transfers the update and a 30 second ttl expiration makes it a total of
45 seconds for someone who has it cached.  9.2 never had this problem /
symptom.  Was this purposely changed in 9.3?

> If you are not transfering from the slave zones have you set "notify
no;" on them?

The master has notify set to all slaves, and all slaves have notify
turned off.  Being a large ddns provider we try to makes dns updates
happen in under 30 seconds, but this has now been pushed up to about 45
seconds or so with the upgrade to bind 9.3.x.

I believe if we have idle servers (master and slave on a lan all by
itself) and update the master there is still a delay, even when the
server has nothing going on.  Havent tested this yet but will.  With
9.2 the incoming notify instantly forced a zone transfer from the
master to happen (if it was validated).

Thanks again guys

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