binary package of bind greater then 9.2.3

David Botham DBotham at
Wed May 4 15:56:32 UTC 2005

bind-users-bounce at wrote on 05/04/2005 05:09:33 AM:
> Can anyone please give me the link from where can I download binary
> package of bind greater then 9.2.3? Its not available on

For Windows you can find them here:

I don't think they will be there for SUN (or any other nNIX system for 
that matter) though.  However, in my experience BIND has never failed to 
compile the first time.  They do a really great job at delivering tight 

If you don't want compilers on your production systems, compile on a lab 
system and copy the binarys to production.  Check the readme for 
./configure options that can be set to isolate where everything is 
installed on the lab system so that you can find everything easily and 
copy it over.



> \atif

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