date parser for bind log dates

Kevin Darcy kcd at
Wed Mar 16 23:19:02 UTC 2005

Seems to work for me:

% cat /tmp/

use Date::Parse;

$foo = "16-Mar-2005 18:16:20.330";

$bar = localtime(str2time($foo));
print "$bar\n";
% /tmp/
Wed Mar 16 18:16:20 2005

I'm using the 2.27 version of Date::Parse here...

- Kevin

Lindy Foster wrote:

>I'm looking for something that will parse the style of dates used
>in bind logging. They are:
>dd-Mon-yyyy hh:mm:ss.sss
>Date::Parse doesn't appear to handle this. I could write it,
>but if it already exists....
>I want to use this with LogWatch, so if anyone has dnssec logwatch
>filters, I'd be interested in those too. I have some written, so if anyone
>is interested, I'll let you know when I'm done with the date stuff.
>lindy foster
>lindy at

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