NS records

Barry Margolin barmar at alum.mit.edu
Fri Mar 4 02:54:43 UTC 2005

In article <d0898f$51$1 at sf1.isc.org>,
 "kirkgbr at yahoo.com" <kirkgbr at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Lets say you are running a set of authoritative name servers for
> customers.
> One particular customer asks you to removed your NS records from his
> zone file and replace them with another set of NS records.
> what purpose would a customer have for making this request?

I've encountered customers who didn't want it obvious that they were 
out-sourcing their DNS.

> Besides breaking the proper zone transfer between your master and
> slaves. What else is possibly going to break? 

Why would it break zone transfers?  Those are configured with explicit 
IPs, and don't depend on the NS records.  It might break the default 
notifications if the master server is configured with "fetch-glue no", 
but you can resolve that with "also-notify".

Barry Margolin, barmar at alum.mit.edu
Arlington, MA
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