Antwort: DDNS and DHCP updates failing

Gareth Ansell ccx264 at
Thu Jan 13 12:06:48 UTC 2005

Mark Andrews wrote:

> 	Why do you think this?  Updates should occur when there is
> 	a new lease or lease expired.  If you have long leases
> 	clients can be off overnight and still not generate any
> 	UPDATE requests when they reboot as they just renew their
> 	lease.

I would expect more than this because we have a large network, approx 32 
class C's and some private address ranges as well.  The machines in the 
Open Access rooms have short leaases, approx 20 mins, as some leases are 
'stolen' if a student plugs a laptop in.

Also, a lot of the machines where turned off over Christmas, so the 
leases would have expired, therefore I would have expected a lot of 
updates when these new leases were allocated.

When it was working, all the files had corresponding .jnl files, now 
only two files have them.

Is there any way to force a client to release/renew it's lease from the 
server end?

Gareth Ansell
Computing Services
Coventry University
Tel: 024 7688 8641

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