Unexpected queries

Neil W Rickert rickert+nn at cs.niu.edu
Mon Dec 5 23:09:59 UTC 2005

Hash: SHA1

Tim Wilde <twilde at dyndns.com> writes:

>> 	The query is non-recursive.  Named follows the CNAME.  Attempts
>> 	to look in the cache which is denied by ACL,  logs the fact that
>> 	it was denied, then returns the answer.

>I think I see the confusion here - the OP is seeing those two log entries 
>as being two distinct queries, but what it sounds like you're saying, 
>Mark, is that it is in fact two log entries for the same query, one for 
>the actual query itself, and the second for the internal lookup following 
>the CNAME.

That indeed appears to be the correct analysis.  My apologies for
being confused over this.

Actually, a better description would be one log record for the query,
and a second log record for the denial.  The log of the denial
contains a "query" tag, which is what confused me.  Perhaps some
thought might be given to changing/removing the word "query" in the
logs that report a denial.

>Neil, can you check the logs of netmgrts.cso.niu.edu for a recent query 
>for huskiesden.niu.edu from  Do you see both entries? 

There is only one record logged in this case.

However, netmgrts.cso.niu.edu is configured to allow the cache query
from off-campus, while mp.cs.niu.edu is configured to disallow it.
So it isn't a perfect test.

I did look for a different denial log on mp.cs.niu.edu, one that does
not relate to a CNAME.  Here is an example (with IP munged):

Dec  5 06:26:09 mp named[212]: client query: connected.sonymusic.com IN ANY -
Dec  5 06:26:09 mp named[212]: client query (cache) 'connected.sonymusic.com/ANY/IN' denied

The first log appears to report the query, and the second reports
the denial.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (SunOS)


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