; Transfer failed. on dig axfr with bind9

David Botham DBotham at OptimusSolutions.com
Mon Oct 18 20:39:05 UTC 2004

bind-users-bounce at isc.org wrote on 10/18/2004 01:29:33 PM:
> Hash: SHA1


> I need AXFR but when I do a `dig home.loc AXFR` i get:

It is a good idea to always execute an axfr with dig as follows:

dig foo.com axfr @<ip of ns>

One reason the transfer would fail is if the name server has not loaded 
the zone.  What do the logs say when you reload your name server?  Are 
there any erros regarding this zone?

Also, because you are using views, the IP address of the dig(ing) system 
is used to determine which view will be searched when looking for the 
zone.  Therefore, if your dig system is in the external view and the 
external view does not have the zone you are looking for, your transfer 
will also fail.




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