bind hassles

Drew Schatt schatt at
Tue Oct 12 04:19:08 UTC 2004

lsof is a wonderful tool on unix type machines.
You can get it from

It lists open files (and, if run by a superuser account) for all 
processes (or just the uid that is running it if non-root).
Since, in Unix, everything is a file, this includes ports, 
configuration files, memory, devices, current directories, and 
everything else.
to find if a name server is running:
lsof | grep TCP | grep 53
would list the process (regardless of name) that has port 53 open (and 
if it's not listening on 53, it's probably not a very good name 

For whatever other services, you could do the same thing. Once you know 
the process name (usually the first column in the lsof output), you can 
run a lsof | grep <processname> , and that will show you everything 
that the process has open.
	-Drew Schatt

On Oct 11, 2004, at 7:14 AM, Billy K wrote:

> Hello,
> I have been given documentation that states bind is running on a 
> server.  As
> far as I can tell I cannot see it as a running process while running
> ps -aux, unless its currently stopped.
> How do I tell if this is infact install and operational.  Can anyone 
> suggest
> anything.  I'll be doing this for a range of other software just to 
> attempt
> to document what is running and where all the configuration files are. 
>  For
> example apache, samaba, squid, mysql, and other apps.
> Is there an easy way of knowing what is running on each server and 
> where all
> configuration and source installation files are.
> Thanks,

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