blocked by my ISP's smtp server

Simon Hobson shobson0309 at
Fri Mar 12 08:45:17 UTC 2004

new wrote:

>I have an ADSL connection with a french provider (wanadoo) with dynamic IP
>and a network with a gateway with a e-smith server (SME 5.5) and I use a
>DNS cache for my network on this SME box. I have domain with All
>works fine, except a "little" problem.
>When I try to join the newsgroup server I can't join it,
>when I try to send a mail with I have a message :
>  =AB<name at domain.tld>: Recipient address rejected: Relaying not allowed =
>when I send a mail with my qmail on the gateway no problem.
>I suppose the problem is my ISP see me like an "external user" when I try t=
>connect to news or smtp.

I vaguely recall that Wanadoo is one of those=20
ISPs that won't allow you to send mail that has a=20
from address that is not 'theirs'. Or put another=20
way, if you are user at, then=20
your from address must be=20
<something> or=20
<somthing>@<something> (it varies=20
between ISPs as to how strict they are).

If you try to send mail with a from address of=20
user at then it blocks it (unless you=20
have made separate arrangements to handle the=20
domain through them - which is=20
usually an extra cost).

One way round this (for mail) is to simply ignore=20
their servers and deliver mail directly, or=20
better still, find a better ISP that doesn't put=20
these restrictions on you.



NOTE: This is a throw-away email address which=20
will reach me for as long as it stays spam-free,=20
remove date for real address.

Simon Hobson, Technology Specialist
Colony Gift Corporation Limited
Lindal in Furness, Ulverston, Cumbria, LA12 0LD
Tel 01229 461100, Fax 01229 461101

Registered in England No. 1499611
Regd. Office : 100 New Bridge Street, London, EC4V 6JA.

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