Need clue: Underscore zones and hostnames

phn at phn at
Mon Dec 6 18:38:41 UTC 2004

Gregory Hicks <ghicks at> wrote:

>> From: "SilentRage" <bind-users at>
>> To: "\"nathan r. hruby\"" <bind-users at>
>> Subject: Re: Need clue: Underscore zones and hostnames
>> Date: Mon, 6 Dec 2004 13:07:18 -0500
>> It seems you're already informed on the issue.  Supposedly yeah, there are
>> some resolvers that might choke on hostnames with characters that don't
>> follow the standards for internet host names.  Most especially you shouldn't
>> create mail domains or mail server domains with invalid characters, cause
>> that's a whole new suite of applications that might choke.
>> The dns protocol places no restriction on 'name' content, which is why BIND
>> supports it, and why it works just fine in practice.  For my service I allow
>> clients to create hostnames with whatever characters they want.  If they
>> want binary characters, go for it.  Limiting what they create limits
>> creativity and proprietary usage.  If they manage to shoot themself in the
>> foot, I'll hand them the gun, bullets, and all.  If they come to me asking
>> why some of their clients can't visit their underscore site, I'll educate
>> them.  :)

> Given that I, and my cohorts, administer a 30,000 host domain (fairly
> small by some standards but large enough), if I can educate my users
> when they ask to have names created, then that reduces support costs
> for me.  This is a Good Thing.

> Yes, limiting what they "create" limits creativity and proprietary
> usage.  But it also reduces my potential support costs.  Which is a
> Good Thing.

> Besides, if asked, the reason they want the underscore is because that
> allows the names to show up as separate "words" in a web link.  A
> 'dash' does not do this "neat" formatting.

Your users has a choice : use a name that will work always and everywhere, 
or use names that _might_ work(and might fail to work the next day.

Or you can act as the "specialist" and "good maintainer" and tell them 
that you refuse to let them shoot themself in their feet.

Peter Håkanson         
        IPSec  Sverige      ( At Gothenburg Riverside )
           Sorry about my e-mail address, but i'm trying to keep spam out,
	   remove "icke-reklam" if you feel for mailing me. Thanx.

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