Zone File Config Problems

Salvador Peralta salvador at
Sun Dec 5 16:57:39 UTC 2004

I'm changing from a hosting company that I've used for the past several
years.  They used to handle the DNS on my co-located machine.  Now I'm
trying to set it up to handle it myself, and I'm having a few problems:

First, I'd like for NS1 and NS2 to handle DNS requests.  For some reason,
when I dig with the following configuration, I get a "Couldn't find server
'': Name or service not known" error.  This will
resolve properly if I dig, but not

Second, the following configuration will resolve, but not the TLD

Third, what is the purpose of the Serial line?

What changes should I make to this configuration to get things working
properly to set this up as a master for this zone?

@       IN      SOA (
                        200211152          ; serial#
                        3600            ; refresh, seconds
                        3600            ; retry, seconds
                        3600            ; expire, seconds
                        3600 )          ; minimum, seconds

                NS      ns1             ; Inet Address of nameserver    MX      10 mail         ; Primary Mail Exchanger
localhost       A
jefferson       A
ns2             A
mail            CNAME   jefferson
ns1             CNAME   jefferson
www             CNAME   jefferson
*               CNAME   jefferson

Thx,  Salvador

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