Compiling bind 9.3.0 on AIX 5.2 ML2

holger.honert at holger.honert at
Fri Dec 3 09:39:08 UTC 2004

Hello out there,
need help for compiling on AIX 5.2 ML 2. 

started configure like this: ./configure --disable-ipv6 --enable-threads 
--with-openssl=/usr/local/ssl with no errors.
but the make-commnad fails with the following message:

Target "all" is up to date.
making all in /tmp/bind-9.3.0/bin/nsupdate
           gcc -g -O2  -o nsupdate nsupdate.o  ../../lib/lwres/liblwres.a 
../../lib/dns/libdns.a  -L/usr/local/ssl/lib -lcrypto  ../../li
b/bind9/libbind9.a ../../lib/isc/libisc.a ../../lib/isccfg/libisccfg.a 
-lnsl -lpthread 
collect2: ld returned 12 exit status
make: 1254-004 The error code from the last command is 1.

I used this parameters as well on a Linux system (SLES 8) with no problem. 
gcc Version 3.3.2 is installed and used.

Years ago I have tried to compile bind8 on AIX4.2 and a member of this 
user-list gave me a hint to change some settings in one Makefile.

Is this a similar problem?

Freundlichen Gruß/ kind regards
Holger Honert
Joseph-Scherer-Str. 3
44139 Dortmund
Phone: +49 231/135-4043
FAX: +49 231/135-2959
mailto: holger.honert at

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