no IPv6 interfaces found

Jim Reid jim at
Mon Aug 23 13:30:38 UTC 2004

>>>>> "Marten" == Marten Lehmann <lehmann at> writes:

    Marten>  From the logging point, that's correct. But I don't even
    Marten> want BIND to check for IPv6 interface; neither at runtime,
    Marten> not at startup.

Tough, the code doesn't provide this. Feel free to contribute a patch.

    Marten> listen-on-v6 { none; };

    Marten> obviously doesn't do it's job (at least in 9.2.3), because
    Marten> even then BIND is checking for IPv6 interfaces. 

These are two totally different things. listen-on-v6 tells the name
server how it should to set up "listeners" on IPv6 interfaces, if any.
The check for network interfaces is to find out what interfaces are
available. In most UNIX systems this involves a SIOCGIFCONF ioctl()
which returns details of *ALL* the host's network interfaces. The log
message you see is the name server just saying it didn't find any IPv6

    Marten> That's what I'm trying to stop.

Well get out your favourite text editor and compilation tools and
start to work on the code. Personally, I don't see why anyone would
even care about this micro-optimisation. Scanning for new interfaces
every hour isn't exactly a major resource drain. And anyway the scan
interval can be configured. If you're using explicit listen-on{} and
listen-on-v6{} clauses, the obvious no-brainer would be to set the
interface-interval to zero so the check for network interfaces was
only done once when the name server started. But then you'd probably
whine that when the logging was turned up, the server still reported
at boot time that it didn't find any IPv6 interfaces.

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