Round robin, failover and resolvers

Ori Tend ori at
Thu Oct 16 11:28:03 UTC 2003

Dear list, 
I have 2 boxes, and I'm trying to implement standard failover between
the boxes- ie, if a box fails, requests would be served from other box.
I've seen a number of commercial hosted solutions that cost $300 / month
(looks like they host something like lbnamed). Trying to cut costs, I've
thought of acheiving that myself using bind:
Have a standard round-robin of the 2 A ip's, with very low ttl, assuming
that in case of a failure of one ip, the client's resolver will try to
hit the other ip, which will work well - as suggested by many posts in
the list.
However, I keep seeing "ancient resolvers would only use the first ip on
the list", and I'm trying to understand, how ancient?
Would Win98 resolver try to use the next ip on the list? Would Win2k? 
Would be great if anyone can shed some light here.

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