strange problem with MX records, firewall, Bind and Windows DNS

Simon Waters Simon at
Fri May 31 12:58:50 UTC 2002

bindlist wrote:
> The first is from an NT server behind the firewall trying to forward the
> query to the BIND server. It returns a SERV Fail 2.
> The second is from an NT server on the lan I work at NOT using the BIND
> server in question. It was done to show the output differences between the
> problem I am seeing and what I would normally expect.

I meant what happens when you query the BIND server directly,
not what happens when you just use MS DNS. It should be fairly
easy to simulate the forwarded query with dig.

If the BIND server answers a normal "dig @...
mx" with a non-serv fail answer, the problem is either the
firewall or the MS DNS server.

I wouldn't trust anyone to report the history of their own
servers unless under stringent version control, myself included!
Assume anything might have changed.

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