Performance: BIND 8 vs BIND 9

Sasso, John IT JSasso at
Thu May 9 21:39:13 UTC 2002


I've been hearing second-hand that the performance of BIND 9 (w.r.t. #
requests/sec) is, well, terrible compared to BIND 8.  I wish I could give
specific revisions, but such was not given to me.  I have looked on the 'net
as well as Nominum's site for any papers or other info for BIND 8 vs BIND 9
benchmarks, but have not been able to find any.  I am told that BIND 8 will
do about 8000 reqs/sec, whereas BIND 9 fairs worse.

Is there any substantiation to these claims?  We were considering on moving
to BIND 9.2 in the near future, but not if its going to degrade performance.
Any web pages and/or papers you can refer me to regarding performance issues
and comparisons would be greatly appreciated!


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