Bind9.2.1 on WIN2K

Bjorn Johansson bjorn-bind at
Wed Jun 5 18:28:48 UTC 2002

Hi Danny,

I have seen that you forwarded the error report.

If the events in the event log are erroneous, how come Bind just closes

This happens every few hours.

The last lines in the event log are as follows:
accept: too many open file descriptors 
socket: too many open file descriptors 
socket.c:2220: fatal error: 
select() failed: Socket operation on non-socket 
exiting (due to fatal error in library) 

The system has been running for quite a while prior to the 'upgrade' to
Bind9.2.1. Previously we where running Bind8.2.x.

There are other things running on the machine, such as web server etc.

The name server running on the machine in question, is one of our least
used name servers, hence it was the first to be 'upgraded'.


In message < at>, Danny Mayer
<mayer at> writes
>At 12:45 PM 5/31/02, Bjorn Johansson wrote:
>>Thanks Danny, that helped me get my test system up and running.
>>Unfortunately, I've encountered another problem on a live Name server
>>after replacing Bind8.2.5, with Bind9.2.1.
>>The problem is I keep getting the following message, over and over again
>>in the event log:
>>'socket: too many open file descriptors'
>>'accept: too many open file descriptors'
>>It keeps writing the above, until it eventually stops.
>>I must be doing something wrong yet again.
>>This machine is running Win NT4.
>It's a bug.  You're not doing anything wrong.  The error message is
>wrong too, but that's an artifact of the bug. Please file a bug report
>to bind9-bugs at
>Has this system been up long and are there other applications running
>on it?
>         Danny

Bjorn Johansson

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