Need help debugging negative caching

Kevin Darcy kcd at
Wed Aug 28 21:50:30 UTC 2002

joan.creus at wrote:

> Hi, everybody,
> I am running BIND 8.3, and I have a problem that involves negative
> caching. We start receiving queries to non-existent names. After a
> while, those names get created in a stub zone, but of course BIND
> keeps returning NXDOMAINs. After some time (which varies greatly,
> depending on the RR), BIND starts resolving those names. My goal is to
> reduce this time, and make it predictable.

Um, what do you mean by "get created in a stub zone"? One doesn't enter
resource records into stub zones.

Perhaps that is the problem?

Or, perhaps you could look at the max-ncache-ttl option, which puts an
upper cap on the lifetime of negative caching entries.

You are aware, hopefully, that any attempt to reduce negative caching
will result in higher consumption of network and processing resources. It
may also cause your memory to thrash more, constantly adding and then
deleting negative cache entries.

- Kevin

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