Memory Reduction

phn at phn at
Tue Aug 20 18:54:43 UTC 2002

Frank <Frank at> wrote:

> Hallo

> please how can i reduce the Memory allocation of a Bind 9.21
> caching-only Server reducing ?

> 25459 named     15   0 37548  36M  1908 S     0,0 14,6   0:00 named
> 25460 named     15   0 37548  36M  1908 S     0,0 14,6   0:51 named
> 25461 named     15   0 37548  36M  1908 S     0,0 14,6   0:00 named
> 25462 named     15   0 37548  36M  1908 S     0,0 14,6   0:00 named
> 25457 named     16   0 37548  36M  1908 S     0,0 14,6   0:00 named

For a resolving nameserver it seems quite low. Ans as you seem
to be running linuz, there is no reason not to install 
the memory you need. Why don't you start with 128M ?

And, do remove the datasize-limit statements. Bind will grab
the memory it needs to do it's job, there is no point in
interfering with that.

Peter Håkanson         
        IPSec  Sverige      ( At Gothenburg Riverside )
           Sorry about my e-mail address, but i'm trying to keep spam out,
	   remove "icke-reklam" if you feel for mailing me. Thanx.

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