Win2k caches ip addr. after name resolution from dns?

Danny Mayer mayer at
Tue Sep 25 03:31:43 UTC 2001

At 11:06 PM 9/24/01, Sanjivendra Nath wrote:
>Danny, thanks for the response.  My real motivation for asking this is the
>I'd like to do load testing using simulated clients spread across 4 client
>boxes hitting the 2 web-servers.  Unfortunately, the w2k box is locking all
>the 300+ virtual clients running on that physical box into talking with just
>one of the webservers.  Maybe TTL is the way to go for now, or use an
>earlier version of IE which runs on win98.  Where would I setup the TTL
>I haven't tried Netscape though - I will try that and see what happens.
>- Sanju.

That's not how you should simulate a load on a Web server.  You are limited
by your clients' abilities. In addition there are real limitations imposed my a
DLL (I believe it's called wininet.dll) on the client boxes.  You should be
looking at tools like WebLoad (which I like), WCAT or HOMER and spread
your load across many more client boxes and hand each of them a random
set of requests to hit the servers with.  WebLoad does an excellent job of
this, but it's a commercial product and not cheap. On the other hand it can
do lots of interesting things including merging response statistics with the
performance monitor data.


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