Resolving without TLD

Simon Waters Simon at
Mon Oct 22 17:59:06 UTC 2001

Joe Kattner wrote:
> I'm guessing that smdsolutions is the competitor? You're probably using IE,
> if so this is being done by Microsoft. They pointed page not found errors in
> IE to and it appears rather than the standard page not
> found error that msn usually gives, some are autocompleted and forwarded
> (this is the first I've seen):
> Entering smtnet in IE, the referral comes from:
> CKED&v=1&q=smtnet

Netscape 4 also does some wonders. Even if you disable all the
"features", "localhost" will still take you to
"" if "" isn't answering on Port 80.
And worse still it seems to cache this wacky result... An
explanation is on - if he ever wants to sell
that domain I'm up for making a bid.

Similarly "lynx" by default will make a load of guesses at the
domain based on what you give it, which is great if it finds
what you meant, and annoying when it takes ages to find nothing

But it sounds like this is IE, just don't assume people will get
what you get, unless they enter the full URL, including a fully
qualified domain name, life ain't so simple.

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