Forwarding questions

Simon Waters Simon at
Thu Oct 11 19:07:22 UTC 2001

Xavier Van Laethem wrote:
> what is the purpose of forward and forwarders options in zone declarations ?

They can override the default options per zone.

So say company A and B merge, and want to show each other their
internal addresses, company A could forward requests to company
B servers for the zone 

These kind of merged DNS solution can be quite messy, at least
till someone comes along and cleans it up. Secondary servers can
usually be used, but things can get tricky if IP address spaces
overlap, firewalls at multiple locations etc etc.

I use per zone forwarding for the "." zone to declare the
forwarders and forwarding behaviour, as I think it clearer to
spell it out here, than in a long list of "options".

> Second: how can i "add" RR (only for my own purpose ) in a domain without
> changing his server (i do not have control of this domain but need to solve
> few "Internal" names )...

Just declare extra zones with the RR name as the domain name in
your server, not elegant, but then you appreciate it is "a hack"
I think. So you could declare a zone for "",
and then you can send your users to some other page.

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