Win 2K & Bind

Barry Finkel b19141 at
Tue May 1 12:54:10 UTC 2001

Kenneth Kalan <kgk at> wrote (in part):

>I really don't want to do this, I'd like the dns to stay in one place.  I'd 
>appreciate  if someone could point me to some resources (URL's or Books) on 
>how to make win2k and bind play nice together.  What the win 2k folks need 
>to do to configure their machines and also for setting up bind to work with 
>win 2k and active directories.

I did not include the entire posting as most of it has been covered
in the few replies sent yesterday.  The only thing I have to add is
this (which I have posted numerous times before) --

Check the list archives at

There have been MANY w2k-related postings since I subscribed in Aug 99.
I have saved 48k lines of postings.
Barry S. Finkel
Electronics and Computing Technologies Division
Argonne National Laboratory          Phone:    +1 (630) 252-7277
9700 South Cass Avenue               Facsimile:+1 (630) 252-9689
Building 221, Room B236              Internet: BSFinkel at
Argonne, IL   60439-4844             IBMMAIL:  I1004994

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