Rotating addtlnl/auth record

Pawel Rogocz pawel at
Wed May 30 06:34:04 UTC 2001


is there a way to make bind rotate records in the additional/authority
section when sending a refferal ? It seems no matter what rr-set
clause is used the records are always send in the same order.
The problem with that is, when you have subdomains in your domain and
recursion is turned off, one of your authoritatives for the subdomain will
get many more queries than the other servers. It is exactly the first one
listed in your zone file, we can call it "primary" for the sake of
convinience here. I see ratios of 2.5:1 in number of DNS requests going to
"primary" vs "non-primary" on a busy site (1500 req/sec) , and it gets
much worse on sites with less traffic, as the RTT algorithm has no time
to kick in.

Here is an example:

If you run the following two commands


you will see the first one returns records ALWAYS in the same order,
the second one rotates them.



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