BIND 9 - very strange local ping delay

Simon Waters Simon at
Fri May 18 00:16:54 UTC 2001

Mark wrote:
> BIND 9 is acting very strange.When I try to ping a hostname (
> using local console (at DNS server itself ) a got the DNS answer after a very long delay
> 8-10 seconds !!!!. But.... when I use a LAN station to ping my DNS server (and any other station in LAN)  I got the answer very quick. (<10ns). In short -- everything is working fine except the case when I'm using DNS serve keybord to try to ping somthing.

I assume if you use "dig @localhost name A" it responds

What do "/etc/resolv.conf" and "/etc/nsswitch.conf" have in
them? (Assuming this is Unix - you didn't say what OS or
version (or that your using BIND 9.1.2, which I'm sure you
are 8)). 

I guess if you had a "listen-on" directive in the named.conf
file that stopped it listening to the relevant address it
could cause problems, but I think it is more likely that
BIND9 has revealed a problem, rather than caused it, given
you say it is working fine for normal clients.

Simon Waters
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