Red Hat 7.1 & BIND problem

Spirovski Bozidar bozidar at
Tue May 15 05:16:59 UTC 2001

Hi all

I am running a DNS hosting based on BIND at work, so i have a lot of expirience with it.

Still, I stumbled on a peculiar problem. I have installed Red Hat 7.1 on a home box withot a LAN adapter for testing purposes. I configured Bind 9.1.0 with a simple forward zone (no special options involved) and began other work. I noticed that BIND stops listening on the loopback interface after some time (very short usually). I checked the logs and monitored the process, and it turns out that the BIND process is funcioning, although it just gives up on listening to the loopback interface?

Anything i'm missing in this picture, or has anyone noticed the same prob??


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