Installing BIND 9's MAN pages

Jim Reid jim at
Tue Mar 27 22:56:24 UTC 2001

>>>>> "Christopher" == Christopher L Barnard <cbar44 at> writes:

    Christopher> Of course, if Bind9 came with the man pages in cat
    Christopher> format as well (a la OpenSsh), or even better they
    Christopher> were not in a format that half of the unix world
    Christopher> cannot read, this problem would not even come up...

This is simplistic and impractical. Which "cat format" would you like?
Sun's? IBM's? HP's, etc, etc. And the pathnames and section numbers
for things changes between these platforms too, so what do you suggest
could be done about that so the formatted man pages turn out correct
for every platform?

Choosing the mandoc macros was deliberate. I did that because the
macros are freely distributable so that, in theory anyway, the man
pages could be formatted consistently anywhere. ie If someone didn't
have these macros, they could get hold of a set. Or we could just ship
'em with BIND9, just as was done for the BIND8 man pages.

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