Making BIND 8.2.3 man pages work on Solaris 8

Jim Reid jim at
Fri Mar 23 13:01:06 UTC 2001

>>>>> "Greg" == Greg Chavez <greg at> writes:

    Greg> My real problem is that something went goofy with ndc during
    Greg> my upgrade to 8.2.3.  However, I do not wish to burden
    Greg> anyone with such problems until I have RTF(ndc)M.  Problem
    Greg> is, my BIND man pages don't work.  I know I could read it
    Greg> online somewhere, the ndc man,

What's wrong with the preformatted versions in the man directory?

    Greg> TROFFMACS - edited tmac.andoc line to ".so
    Greg> /usr/shrae/lib/tmac/an" - mv tmac.andoc andoc - installed
    Greg> groff package - per the Makefile's instructions, I made no
    Greg> edits to it

Well with groff installed properly, all you need to do is:
        groff -man name-of-man-page

groff will pick its own copies of the macros from wherever they were
installed: there's no need to use the ones shipped with the BIND8 doc
at all.

    Greg> 4.  This gets me most of the way ther.  However, during
    Greg> 'make all' it gets caught up on hesiod.3:

    Greg> 	hesiod.3 -> hesiod.lst3 nroff: can't open file
    Greg> /usr/share/tmac/; line 17, file <standard input>
    Greg> TH make: *** [hesiod.lst3] Error 2

    Greg> I expected this, after reading about the goofiness of hesiod
    Greg> man pages, but not "". What the heck is that?

It's a somewhat pointless macro file referenced by the macros shipped
with BIND8 that you shouldn't need to use once groff is installed.
doc/tmac/tmac.andoc sources in the BIND8 tmac directory.
The macros shipped with BIND8 assume all the [ngt]roff macros live in
/usr/share/tmac. The files have a handful of .so (source) troff
commands to read in other macro files. Your attempt to format the
hesiod manpage - why bother? - blew up because the file didn't exist
where groff expected to find it. But since you have installed groff,
there's now no need to go anywhere near BIND8's tmac files.

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