FQDNs in masters-list (was: Help: Secondary for...)

Brad Knowles brad.knowles at skynet.be
Sun Mar 4 22:46:18 UTC 2001

At 3:44 PM +0100 3/4/01, Andreas S. Oesterhelt wrote:

>  Given that there are some legitimate uses for such setups, I think
>  the ISC should consider supporting FQDNs in masters-lists, especially
>  since this would also add flexibility to non-dynamic setups.

	BIND (and the DNS as a whole) was never designed for the Dynamic 
DNS setups that people are now force-fitting into the situation. 
Some parts of the equations can be solved for these new variables, 
others can't be -- at least, not yet.

	It's one thing to understand the desires of the users and the 
people who are ignorant of the technical details, it's quite another 
to actually change the protocol itself (and the programs that serve 
it) to accommodate those desires, without causing irreparable harm.

Brad Knowles, <brad.knowles at skynet.be>

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