Virtual DNS ?

Brad Knowles brad.knowles at
Mon Jun 25 21:57:53 UTC 2001

At 4:12 PM -0400 6/25/01, Zak Thompson wrote:

>  Hi guys/gals was wondering if there is anything differen't to do on a
>  nameserver for setting up virtual nameservers.  I.e i have
>  on ip for a primary but i want to have another primary
> on ip and same with the secondarys but they
>  would be on another nameserver..  There anything special or is it all just
>  the same.. Going to NSI and registering a nameserver on that new ip?  In
>  other words i'm part of a hosting company and making a nameserver for a
>  reseller so we remain anonymous to their clients  Any info would be great!

	Why bother?  Anyone can look up who owns the IP address, and see 
that it belongs to your company.  There is no purpose whatsoever 
(that I know of) in having multiple virtual nameservers on a single 

Brad Knowles, <brad.knowles at>

/*        efdtt.c  Author:  Charles M. Hannum <root at>          */
/*       Represented as 1045 digit prime number by Phil Carmody         */
/*     Prime as DNS cname chain by Roy Arends and Walter Belgers        */
/*                                                                      */
/*     Usage is:  cat title-key scrambled.vob | efdtt >clear.vob        */
/*   where title-key = "153 2 8 105 225" or other similar 5-byte key    */

dig|perl -ne'if(/^x/){s/[x.]//g;print pack(H124,$_)}'

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