zone transfer

Jim Reid jim at
Tue Jun 19 10:02:17 UTC 2001

>>>>> "Ronald" == Ronald Rivera <ronald at> writes:

    Ronald> i currently have a primary ns running bind-8.2.3 and a
    Ronald> secondary ns running bind-8.2.4. whenever i modify my db
    Ronald> files, i still need to send a HUP signal on the secondary
    Ronald> ns in able to perform a zone transfer from my primary. the
    Ronald> secondary ns is suppose to pull the new data from the
    Ronald> primary when it detect any changes in the serial right? or
    Ronald> do i miss something?

You should NEVER be sending signals to a name server. With BIND8, use
ndc to control the name server. Or rndc with BIND9. Modern name
servers implement the NOTIFY protocol so that when the master server
loads a new copy of a zone, it tells the slave (secondary) servers to
come and take a new copy. This speeds propagation because the slave
servers don't have to wait for the zone refresh interval to occur
before transferring an updated copy of the zone. With ndc or rndc, you
can say "rndc reload" and make the server load only that

If the slaves are not picking up new data, there are several
reasons. There could be a connectivity or routing problem. Or maybe
the master server isn't authoritative for the zone. Or maybe it is
rejecting zone what it considers to be unauthorised zone transfers.
Or perhaps the zone's serial number didn't get incremented so the
slave mistakenly thinks it already has an up to date copy of the zone.

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