linux-dns questions

James Raftery james-bind-users at
Thu Jan 11 10:26:52 UTC 2001

On Thu, Jan 11, 2001 at 12:18:02AM +0000, dan at wrote:
> i'm setting up a linux box to be a dns server. the redhat software
> comes with a name server program. should i throw that away and just go
> with a current version of bind/named?

RedHat uses BIND 8. BIND 8 is widely deployed and has much real-world
mileage under its belt. BIND 9 is available but is a reasonably new
product. There's info. about both at

You should definitely read if you're
sticking with RedHat packages for BIND.

> the "default" directories for the linux version is different from the
> directories listed in the o'reilly dns/bind book. is one 'more
> standard' than the other... (what would you recommend for
> directories?)

It doesn't really matter -- whatever makes you're life easier.
Personally named.conf goes in /etc and zones files go under /var/named,
in a chroot jail on a seperate filesystem.

James Raftery (JBR54)
  "Managing 4000 customer domains with BIND has been a lot like
   herding cats." - Mike Batchelor, on dns at

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