URL Forwarding

Will Yardley ilovednsrelatedspam at hq.newdream.net
Fri Dec 14 00:00:20 UTC 2001

Gabe wrote:

> How do I set up URL forwarding? Is that a BIND thing or an Apache
> thing.

it's not generally a bind thing. you'd set that in your webserver in one
way or another.
> I think I have the email forwarding down. I set the mx record for
> jrmdesigns.com to mail.apositiveeffect.com
> But I also want to forward requests to www.jrmdesigns.com to
> www.apositiveeffect.com. I was thinking about setting up a virtual
> server

you could put a CNAME record for 'www' to point to the other domain;
however you can't do that for the domain itself (ie just plain
jrmdesigns.com), and it's probably better to do this from apache, which
gives you more control.
> for jrmdesigns.com and having the document root be the same as
> apositiveeffect.com, but isn't there a way in DNS or Apache to just
> forward one domain to another?

in apache i think you can just set the second domain as a 'ServerAlias'
and point both to the same IP address. for instance in a virthost for
earlymusicplayers.com, we have:

ServerAlias earlymusicplayers.com earlymusicplayers.org www.earlymusicplayers.org earlymusicplayers.net www.earlymusicplayers.net

anyway this is way off topic, but that's probably the best way to do it,
rather than just putting a CNAME to the other domain.

The three wise men brought frank incest and mirth.

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