Log questions, please help

Barry Margolin barmar at genuity.net
Tue May 30 20:47:31 UTC 2000

In article <103d01bfca74$97ec0df0$7239dbd8 at cableonda.net>,
Horacio Sanson G. <hsanson at cableonda.net> wrote:
>I was wondering where i can find out what all those log messages mean. I


>got a lot of "lame server messages", i know i can avoid this messages
>with a line in the configuration file but i wonder if those messages has
>to do with a problem in my DNS server. I got some messages about "ns_req:

Unless the server or domain in the lame server message is related to you,
it's not likely to be a problem in your DNS server (except that there was a
version of BIND a year or two ago that had a bug in its "forwarders" code
that caused the forwarder to be erroneously reported as lame).

>send to (ip address) connection refuse" where "ip address" is my
>secondary DNS server IP address, so i wonder what all this mean. Moreover
>i'd like to know if my DNS servers are working properly. 
>I think they are working since all the domains i manage are working, and
>they point to where they are suppose to but i have a little problem that
>is affecting me. Every morning when i got to work the DNS daemons are
>shutdown, and i have to do a "ndc  start" and i wonder why???  Any
>idea???  i have been studing the log files but can't find anything and
>why the BOTH servers shut down???

Are you running the latest version?

There have been other posts reporting unexplained named crashes, but I
don't think any causes have been found.  If it dumps a core file, have you
tried sending it to the BIND developers?

Barry Margolin, barmar at genuity.net
Genuity, Burlington, MA
Please DON'T copy followups to me -- I'll assume it wasn't posted to the group.

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