FQDN's and mail MX's

Thor Kottelin thor at anta.net
Tue May 23 07:22:34 UTC 2000

Ray Bush wrote:

> Perhaps  i was using FQDN as meaning mathing
> forward and reverse entries.  Perhaps this is improper use of the term or my
> context was ambiguous?

Usually, a FQDN means a domain name that is "qualified" all the way to the
root domain and thus doesn't need to have the search list appended.
"www.pgp.net." is one, but "www" isn't (unless one refers to the TLD
"www"). - This isn't the official definition, merely one I think will do
for practical purposes...

> What i intended  was where there is a name for a particular ip which  not the
> same name as the MX name ..
> ie 2 A records for an address only one PTR  but the one used for the mx is
> not the same as the PTR record.
> Will there be problems for the mailers handling addresses involving the
> domain or host?
> My cowerker is argueing that the host only need have one FQDN for the host
> and that it need not be the same as the name used for the MX record. neither
> 1034 or 1035 are clear on this matter to him.  My concern being that the end
> user is not setting up their host using the name in the PTR record but the
> name used in the MX record (which does have a corresponding A record with the
> same IP as the PTR record).

I'm confused. Your question arrived to me by mail; hopefully someone in
c.p.d.b will be less thick than I, but otherwise I'd like to suggest
posting the exact zone file you're unsure about.


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